Discover the convenience of having your favorite meals delivered right to your doorstep with the - food delivery app. With a network of over 2,000 restaurants across Slovakia, it is a leading choice for food delivery, boasting over 600,000 ratings and 540,000 satisfied customers. Whether you're in Bratislava, Žilina, Košice, or any other location within the nation, a wide variety of culinary delights await you, from pizza to sushi, pasta, kebabs, salads, and more.
The service caters to a range of tastes and dietary preferences, offering everything from daily menus, soups, and desserts to late-night cravings such as pizza, drinks, and alcoholic beverages. One of the standout features is the loyalty program, where customers can earn credits on their orders and use them to enjoy discounts on future purchases, enhancing the overall food-ordering experience.
When hunger strikes, simply input your location within the app to browse a selection of nearby restaurants. Choose your desired meal from an extensive list, provide basic information, and send off your order. This effective system facilitates the process by conveying your order to the restaurant, confirming it via push notification or SMS, and ensuring your food is delivered promptly to your specified address.
The benefits of this food delivery system include:
- A vast selection of restaurants covering the entire Slovak Republic.
- Frequent special deals, exclusive offers, and a rewards program only available through the application.
- User-friendly meal searching within menus sorted by your location.
- Automatic GPS-based location detection.
- Trusted ratings, reviews, and images of meals from the restaurant's offerings.
Committed to variety and quality, not just in its selection of traditional and international cuisines but also in providing options for gluten-free and vegetarian food lovers, the platform ensures that it meets the expectations of its users.
For those moments when your favorite restaurant isn't listed, the platform welcomes your suggestions. Enjoy the ease and satisfaction of food delivery with, wherever you may be.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
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